Why is transformation necessary?

The central reason for fundamental change is that, despite 30 years of Ofsted’s existence, it has failed to raise educational standards. International research is unequivocal on this point: standards have flatlined throughout that period.

How will it come about?

We give details  about how our alternative model will be enacted. That model is in essence peer-to-peer support and challenge, where senior staff of one setting act as critical friends who celebrate (and learn from) the strengths of their neighbouring counterparts. They also identify and suggest ways to rectify problems. Then those who have been evaluated become in turn the evaluators of another setting close by, and so on in a virtuous cycle. Improvement comes about through mutual trust where weaknesses (such as poor teaching) are openly admitted and addressed; and through dialogue professional learning is stimulated, spreads through the area and takes hold as a continuous process.

Where will it take place?

We propose establishing a trial in one geographical area which is representative, as much as is possible, of the whole country. A region with, inner city and rural settings, large nurseries and small placements, sixth form and further education colleges, comprehensives and academies, and partnerships in Multi-Academy Trusts will be chosen by the DfE who have access to appropriate date. We do not suggest, however, that the new approach should to cover the whole range of settings inspected by Ofsted such as prison education, boot-camps or unauthorised schools.

Who will be involved?

In addition to all the institutions in the chosen area there will need to be people, trained, in, and supportive of, the new approach, to fulfil the roles of:

  • a senior figure in charge of the pilot and a deputy
  • a small research team to gather, analyse data and write reports. It will also monitor the latest published research findings to inform any changes of approach.
  • administrative, technical and financial staff, the latter to pay the honorarium and travel expenses of those undertaking the extra task of evaluation
  • staff in charge of human resources, training, the organisation of inspections, communications and the co-ordination of reports
  • a group to deal with appeals and complaints
  • a group to evaluate the quality of the alternative approach
  • three  members of an Advisory Board, again paid an honorarium, subsistence and travel expenses.

Additionally a contract will need to be issued to a team to evaluate the whole trial.

What will be the likely benefits and losses?

 The whole educational system stands to benefit from an evidenced based approach. Parts of Ofsted and parts of the proposed new system may  be shown to work better. The point is that the results of the evidenced-based trial will become available and whatever system is the more effective  will be used to  create a better system for all.

when will it happen?

We are pressing hard during this consultation period to  get the policy makers to agree on the evidence based approach to policy change. Perhaps you can help by sending this website to all your colleagues and friends, by raising our proposals within your setting and by writing to your MP.

Table of key differences between Ofsted's "reformed" model and our own Alternative

Ofsted “Reformed” Our Alternative
Assume that every Ofsted rating is accurate. Accept that inspectors and their judgements  are fallible.
Principal focus on leadership and teaching Principal focus on learning, teaching and assessment
Massive battery of expectations Joint practice development
Culture of fear Culture of mutual respect and development
Inspectors’  judgements dominate All judgements are checked and double checked by inspectors, staff and  “blind” inspectors.
Increased stress, workloads and resistance Improved teacher engagement, motivation and morale
“Mechanics of inspection” Social collaboration
Top down Bottom up
Focus on accountability Focus on Improvement.
Enforced compliance with policy Policy is included in inspections