
     1  The purpose of inspection is to enhance the quality of learning in all settings, partnerships (including MATs) and in the system as a whole.


     2 Inspection should be based on the established mixed-methods of research, the key aim being validity.  This will provide the evidence for decision making at local, regional and national levels.

     3   Inspectors need to gain the trust of teachers by celebrating their successes and offering support where they find shortcomings.  This process should take into account the impacts of the local context, including the level of resource , location, local competitors and different professional cultures.

    4  Dialogue between inspectors and the inspected should ensure that inspection is a shared task in which both sides learn.  This should strengthen commitment to the report’s recommendations.

    5  The inspection system must be humane as well as effective so it must be inclusive.

    6   Inspectors must themselves have direct, recent experience of the type of setting, phase and subject that they are inspecting.


     7  An equitable complaints procedure is needed in which the independent adjudicator has the power to overturn an inspection judgement.

     8  Independent research should report on the short and long-term impacts of inspection.

     9  The principles and practices of the inspectorate must be made public and subject to scrutiny and improvement. Their reports must contain full details of the methods used. All the main partners (eg staff, parents, governors, local community) to the inspection need to be involved in finalising the findings and recommendations of the report.

     10  The inspectorate must be committed to self-improvement through research, feedback and independent evaluation of its work.